Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Day 17

Rosemary and I started the day discussing the internship, how things have been going up until now and what other activities I might be able to become involved in. I may have the opportunity to write some training handouts. We also discussed grants although I don't know if we will be able to get to that.

Rosemary wanted to get all the software in one place instead of spread out to all the groups. Their network is setup so that only administrators can install software and the teachers don't think to ask to have it installed. By putting it in a central location they can send a request that will provide the software and installation so they can use it. There was also an extensive preview library in the high school that no one was accessing. We went up there and brought all age appropriate software down to the elementary school and began putting it on the shelves. We found some that did not have an ID so Rosemary had to check the database and ID/inventory them.

We still have more to organize but we ran out of room. We'll have to look around and see where else we can put it.

I started making a composite picture in Photoshop of fruits for the game. I used the wand and removed the picture to put it in a new one so there will be a variety of fruits in one picture. I'm still contemplating design-I need to think about the rules of design we studied.

Rosemary also suggested that I check out a computer game by Sherston that teaches about numbers, and counting. She thought I might want to think about another game at some point. The game is really good but very language intensive-spoken and written language. I'm going to have to think about it and see what I can think of.

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